Cosmic Space Wiki

The Hyperspirits are extremely powerful beings that was made by The Eye, to take care about Existence.

There are 5 hyperspirits: Astrodotus, Athanatos, Doradus, Nexite and Phoenix. Each of them controlling an infinite set of Omniverses and Realities within the Infiverse.


Astrodotus is a hyperspirit, that rules space, time and quantum fluctuations. He/She/It/They is/are 1st hyperspirit made by The Eye. He/She/It/They made Heaven.












Athanatos is a hyperspirit of destruction, that destroys died -verses and realities. He/She/It/Them is/are 2nd hyperspirit ever made. Athanatos have his own -verse, named Hell.












Doradus is the hyperspirit that rules technologies and information. He/She/It/They is/are 3rd hyperspirit ever made. Hyperverses are made by him/her/it/them.











Nexite is a hyperspirit that rules Light and Darkness. He/She/It/They is the 4th hyperspirit ever made.











Phoenix is a hyperspirit that controls temperature. He/She/It/They is the 5th hyperspirit ever made.
