Cosmic Space Wiki

Killbot's Number is an unimaginably large number, that was made personally by Killbot. It also can be defined as size of the Multiverse.

How to calculate[]

let's imagine number i0

i0 is pretty small, i0 = 2^2

not so large

i1, then

i0 = 4

i1 = i0^i0^i0^i0 = 4^4^4^4 (4^ repeated 4 times) = 340282366920938463463374607431768211456

not so small, isn't it?

i2, then

i2 = i1^i1^i1^i1^i1....... (i1 times in total)

it's extremely large

even i2 is incalculable


i3 = i2^i2^i2........ (i2 times)


i42 = Killbots number

This function has a growth rate of approximately 4 in the FGH, making i42 smaller than Graham's Number (who's function has a growth rate of omega+1).
